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One Size fits all approaches to diet and fitness was not working for me.

I am a 38 year old female. I have had two children. I work from home at a desk all day. I was frustrated with the numerous attempts I made to work out and diet. I would be all in, and feel like I wasn’t getting what I needed. I experienced burn out frequently that would spiral into me giving up on being healthier.


I was looking for a full service program. I wanted to assess the issues I was experiencing. I didn’t want a magic pill that cost a lot of money and just limited my food intake. I wanted to lose weight, but I really just wanted to feel better. I didn’t want to buy into the idea that I had to just accept this was part of aging. Because I knew that wasn’t true.


I met with Annie for my initial assessment. During that consultation I filled out paperwork. We discussed my goals and my symptoms. During that discussion we found that my symptoms were similar to someone who was insulin resistant. This blew me away. I do yearly labs with my doctor. I am not a diabetic. My levels were not terrible. We discussed my cholesterol and other labs. Most of my lab work was higher, but not in a state of medical concern to my doctor. We assessed a diet plan that I should start on right away. I would come back to get lab work done to review what my current hormone levels were. And we would discuss hormone therapy treatment.


I began the diet right away. Because it was like a light bulb moment for me. I could begin to take control of how I felt with the proper diet. We upped my protein intake, assessed fiber, and fats. I also had to begin to drink a lot more water. Within the first week of just doing the diet. I was feeling so much better. My joints didn’t hurt as bad. I was sleeping better. I wasn’t as bloated. Brain fog was less! My skin was healthier! I felt like I had stumbled into a magic pill! But, it wasn’t. It was putting in the work and being aware of what my body needed.


I saw immediate results. I started on a Monday, by Friday I was down 17 pounds. During the process my body has adjusted to incorporate workouts, and I haven’t been as perfect on my diet as I was that first week. Currently 3 weeks in. I am down 12 pounds consistently. I have met with my doctor to do the woman checks. And I will begin hormone treatment this week through pellet insertion.


The best part of this experience has just been someone checking in. Assessing what I needed. Annie genuinely is invested in your success. This is a journey and I am in charge of it. I can choose whatever I want. But, it is easier to stay on track more often, knowing that it is working.  My goal is long term wellness. I am learning to reprogram my approach to a healthier lifestyle. I have learned that I feel so much better when I put the right things in my body. I have more weight to lose. I am not where I want to be. But, I am getting there one day at a time. That has been the biggest take away for me. Getting healthier one day at a time. Slowing down the process. I have identified the symptoms and things I want to change. And I have begun to gradually make changes to help myself.


One size does not fit all. There are a lot of things that go into getting healthier. For me it was learning to be aware of my body, and what I need to take care of. I have ignored a lot of warning signs and symptoms from poor diet and extreme workouts. I knew what the problem was. But I too often became overwhelmed by trying to do every fad diet out there. Changing things up because someone else said that worked for them,etc. I was exhausted and defeated. My personal plan with Annie has seriously helped me be consistent with my goals.


I look forward to seeing the benefits of hormone therapy. Feeling better, more energy, etc!!


I highly recommend reaching out to Annie and her team! Go in for a consultation. You will not be disappointed. She will provide you options and tools for success designed for what you need. No two people are alike. Find out what you need, and begin your journey to success.



I began working with the wellness clinic in late 2022 after going to multiple physicians & seeing two therapists. I had a significant ob/gyn surgery in 2019 & I was not prepared for what came next. I began experiencing some significant physical & mental changes in 2020 & was dismissed repeatedly as I am just getting older & what I am feeling is something I need to just deal with. The way I felt was so horrible, I cannot imagine living life feeling the way I did. When I met Annie, she listened to me, which was the first step in this amazing process. I was not dismissed & she was understanding. I began the bio-identical hormones two weeks ago & I will NEVER go back to living without them. I felt relief within hours of having them implanted, by sleeping better than I have slept in three years. I am no longer having nite sweats & my energy level is amazing. There are other areas of my life that are made better but, I encourage you to be open-minded to living the next phase of your life in the best way possible.

Angela Hughes