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erbium laser skin resurfacing


what is erbium laser skin resurfacing?

The Erbium YAG is a 2940nm ablative laser used to resurface the outer layer of the skin. It is the treatment of choice for patients wanting to achieve dramatic improvement in the appearance of their skin with minimal downtime. It is used to treat hyperpigmentation, including melasma, fine lines to deep wrinkles, acne scarring, scars and stretch marks. Erbium has been shown to stimulate collagen and elastin production, which will continue to smooth and tighten loose skin. In fact, it is the best way to address the problematic lines that occur around the mouth and eyes.

Treatment areas include face, hands, neck, chest, and body.


how does it work?

The Erbium laser rapidly vaporizes water residing in the skin which delivers an almost instant skin ablation while limiting heat damage in the surrounding area. Each treatment is fully customizable with the ability to resurface the skin from 10 to 100 microns depending on what the client needs and desired downtime.


what if i don’t want downtime?

Some clients want the glow without the downtime. For these patients, we offer a fractionated erbium laser. The fractionated lens breaks the laser beam into a grid of tiny beams that create microscopic injuries to the top layer of skin. Because only a “fraction” of the skin is being treated at one time, healing is more rapid and downtime is significantly less.

The micro-injuries stimulate new collagen and elastin production, ultimately smoothing and evening out skin texture and


What are the skin conditions that the Erbium Laser treats

The erbium laser addresses the following skin conditions: Fine lines to moderate wrinkles, skin laxity, textured skin, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation and sun damage, acne and/or other scarring.

What can I expect during treatment?

Patients will be numbed for 45 min prior to treatment. The treatment itself takes approximately 30 minutes per area. The sensation is like a warm rubber band snapping on the skin.  Immediately after treatment, most patients experience heat similar to a sunburn which can be uncomfortable and generally lasts anywhere from 30 minutes up to 24 hours. The skin will be soothed with a cool mask and a soothing balm will be applied. We suggest taking extra-strength Tylenol to ease any discomfort.

What can I expect after treatment?

Over the 5-10 days following your treatment, the skin will undergo peeling, the extent of which is different depending on the individual and the depth used during treatment.  Most people would not be comfortable with others seeing them during this peeling process. Mineral makeup can be applied 48 hours post-treatment.


The patient must not pick at the peeling skin. Once the face is comfortable to touch, the patient should cleanse their skin and apply a soothing balm as directed by your practitioner.


Once the skin has peeled, patients will see smoother, more even-toned skin. In the days and weeks following the procedure, the new collagen will produce a lovely glow and brighter complexion. This will improve with each future treatment. It is very important to wear sunscreen to protect this new skin.