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Hormone Replacement Pellets the Ideal Hormone Delivery System

Avoid the Hormone Roller Coaster HRT Pellet Method

Many patients who have been on creams, pills and patches discover that their hormone treatment can create side effects over time. Non-pellet methods provide an irregular and unreliable dosing amount, which produces a roller coaster-like effect in the body.

Over time, extra hormones that are stored in the body can spill back into your system and cause a progressive overdosing. This can cause a cascade of imbalances and problems that you were trying to treat in the first place!

Pellets deliver a steady and measured dose of the hormones your body needs, only as it needs them. From our decades of clinical experience, we have found that it is the only reliable way to provide optimal and balanced levels of hormones into the body.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets (HRT) Strengthen the Body’s Systems

As we age, hormone deficiency causes the body’s systems to weaken. That’s why your bones lose calcium, your blood pressure may be a little (or a lot) higher than it used to be, your arteries are starting to show wear and tear, you can’t seem to lose weight, your sex life is suffering, and why you just don’t have the energy or vitality you used to. Wonder why you just don’t feel like yourself anymore? Because your body is not balanced.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Pellets replicate what the human ovaries and testicles did when you were younger – delivering the same steady, 24/7, low dosages of hormones that the body once created. This restores the body’s organs, systems and functioning to their healthy youthful state. As a result sexual performance is reinvigorated, energy and vitality is improves, bone loss decreases while muscle mass increases, and the body functions as it should.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

Women: The fluctuations in the hormone’s estrogen, testosterone and progesterone can cause your periods to become irregular and sometimes heavy. Other symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, brain fog and headaches can soon follow.

Men: Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It is what makes a man, a man. It helps males grow larger muscles, have facial and body hair and develop deep voices. Testosterone also fuels the libido, helps to produce sperm and contributes to functional erections.

Pricing varies on dosage

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